Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Deniz Carey
Deniz became a Christian during her post graduate studies. She completed the Radical Network course with Ichthus Christian Fellowship in 1993. She has worshipped, served and worked in non-denominational, Baptist and Methodist churches.
More recently she worked as a Ministry leader in a city centre church in London. She is passionate about Jesus and His call on people's lives.
Deniz was appointed as Pastor to Cleerway Community Church in December 2021.
Her video blogs can be viewed here.
Deniz routinely keeps Mondays and Tuesdays as her days off. In the case of emergency on those days, the Chairman of Trustees should be contacted.
A Message from our Pastor
27th March 2025
From 'Our Daily Bread’ Bible readings:
In 2012 a fire destroyed many homes in Colorado Springs in the USA and burned more than 18,000 acres of mountain forest. The fire was declared 100% contained when perimeter lines had been built around the entire area of the blaze. It had been confined to a defined area until it could be fully extinguished. A fire information official warned residents that they might continue to see smoke in the area because even though the fire was fully contained it ‘is not controlled and it is not out’.
When our world is rocked by tragic events and evil acts, we long for the day when evil will finally be destroyed and God will bring history to a close and fully establish His kingdom. Until that time, however, the Lord gives us His grace to live purposeful lives of faith as we await His coming. In Hebrews 10 we are urged to draw near to God with sincere hearts (v.22); hold fast to the hope we profess (v.23); spur each other on to love and good works (v.24); and continue meeting together for encouragement”, “and so much the more as you see then Day approaching” (v25). Until the time God extinguishes the fires of evil forever, He gives us His grace and strength to endure the trial of life as we look forward to His return.
Dear Lord, thank You for the grace You give us to live each day for your glory. We look forward to the day when You return, all evil will be extinguished and we will live with You in perfect harmony forever.
David McCasland