R.I.P. His Royal Highness Prince Philip
Updated: Feb 23, 2023
Whatever your views on the Royal family. Prince Philip has been a constant figure in all our lives. He has been by the Queen’s side for the for over 73 years. He retired in 2017 at the age of 96, having made 5,496 speeches and over 22,000 solo engagements. Since their marriage in 1947 there have been sixteen prime ministers and fourteen US Presidents.
In 1947 there was just one British TV channel; now there are over four hundred and eighty!
Our world is constantly changing. The rate of change has increased dramatically over the last fourteen months, with the advent of Covid. Who would have thought that it would be normal to walk around the town dressed like a bank robber!! Not being able to shake hands, or see our families.
Generally, we don’t like change. I remember when new versions of the Bible came out when I was a teenager. We youngsters loved it, as it made it easier to understand. Many older people weren’t so happy, preferring the poetic language of the Authorised version. More than one person was heard to say, “If the A.V. was good enough for St. Paul, then it’s good enough for me!!”
God is changeless but is ever changing. (Work that one out!!). Jesus has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He is our rock, our fortress and a strong tower. God is living and active. Every living thing changes as time goes by. God is changeless in the sense that his character and his promises never change. He is as at home in our techno, online age as he was when the wheel was invented.
At Prince Philip’s funeral, the Archbishop of Canterbury read from St. John chapter 11. Here are some of words that he read, they are very powerful –
“Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.”
Whatever the future holds, remember the words of Jesus. Believing in him, his life
and resurrection will make a real difference in our lives. He is the constant in every generation.
God bless you,